Monday, April 25, 2005

Blame it on Flonessa.

So, I have been contemplating starting a blog for a while. For a few reasons. One: It's hard keeping in touch 1,756 miles away from Birmingham. Two: I've always admired Doogie. Three: Torry and Matt Graham have one...enough said. So last night at my house, my roommate Vanessa (also lovingly referred to as "Flonessa") talked me into starting one. So if for some reason you are rolling your eyes at me right now (which I know some of you are, Steph). Blame it on Flonessa. I will try to keep this update worthy events happen in my life.

1 comment:

Matt said...

three: torry and i have blogs and four: stacey's blog title is a cool as they get...legit!

looks good baby, thanks for the shout out!