Saturday, September 29, 2007

Shaq Attack

Yesterday, I was so ready to leave work. It had been a really long day, I had a call from a client that pretty much turned my life upside down and will provide a very stressful next two weeks. Really wish I could share, but because of the whole hotel confidentiality VIP guest thing, I cannot. (Check out the blog in about 2 weeks, then I will be able to talk.)

Anyway, I walk out of my office and into the hotel lobby and there stands Shaquille O'Neal! I probably would not have recognized him, but he's a good two feet taller than I am. It was hard to miss. Apparently, Birmingham's own Charles Barkley is having a celebrity golf charity event and Shaq was in to help support it. Crazy!
p.s. Does anyone think there is entirely too much denim in this picture?

Friday, September 28, 2007

Bring 'er back...

4 years, 9 residences, 1 car, 24 roommates, and 3,000 miles later, I'm back in Birmingham. With all this new change, I am going to make a valiant effort to bring back the old blog.

A little update on how I'm back here....Last April, I started considering buying a house out in Vail, well little did I know the cheapest 1 bedroom apartment in the slums of Avon was $419,000. When I realized that the majority of my friends (with the exception of Lauren and Marissa) had moved and/or were thinking about moving, I decided that it was time to look for another job and another place to live. I didn't have too much drawing me to any one particular place, so I decided to look at moving somewhere down south. The first job I saw was in Birmingham a a local hotel. I applied, interviewed, and now I'm back in the Salty, doing primarily corporate meeting planning. That's where life has brought me back thus far. So far, so good, I can't complain. I'll keep you updated.