Saturday, April 19, 2008

Busy, Busy...

I have to admit, I've been fairly busy the past 2 months. In and out of town, work, deciding what is next in my life, and making sure that one of my bestest friends in the entire world has the biggest surprise of her life pulled on her! Ladies and Gentlemen, this was, in fact, accomplished last Wednesday night.
Aren't they cute! I was able to meet Landon a few months ago when Katy helped him move up to Virginia. A few weeks later I got a message from him wanting some input on how to pull a surprise on her. If any of you readers out there know Miss Nowiczewski, you are aware that nothing ever gets past her. NOTHING. If anyone could pull a fast one over on her it was Landon. Well...Mission Accomplished! He flew down and gave Katy the surprise of her life!
Congratulations Katy and Landon!!!!!!


Anonymous said...
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Courtney said...
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mamahenn said...

Stacey- I found you through some other friends!! I love the blog- I am going to add it to my list of favorite people to checkin on!! Hope you are doing good- Melanie Wise Henningsen