Sunday, April 27, 2008

Shake and Bake...It's Race weekend!

In case I forgot what state I currently reside in, the front page of the lifestyle section in the Birmingham News was a ridiculously funny reminder this morning. Below is an excerpt from Miss Manner's, ahem, I mean Miss Motorsport's take on etiquette during the races this weekend at the Talladega Super Speedway. How I love being back in the south!

"Dear Miss Motorsports: My new boyfriend is taking me to my first NASCAR race this weekend, and I want to make a good impression. Although I have never been to a race before, I think I know enough about racing to understand it is considered proper to boo Jeff Gordon, who my boyfriend calls a "pretty boy." My question is this, should Gordon smash his car into a wall and have to leave the race, is it OK to jump up and down and hoot and holler, just as long as he's not seriously injured? - All Revved Up in Roebuck

Dear Revved Up: Absolutely. Jeering Jeff Gordon is not only expected, but encouraged - especially at Talladega. However, should he actually win the race, throwing beer cans at his car as he circles the track is seriously frowned upon - even at Talladega."

"Dear Miss Motorsports: One of my best girlfriends has invited my husband and me to her wedding at their RV site outside the track on the day of the big race. Since we also will be going to the race, is it OK to wear my checkered-flag leather miniskirt to the ceremony? Or should I wear something less formal? - Fashion-Conscious in Fultondale

Dear Fashion-Conscious: Miss Motorsports says your skirt would be appropriate, with one caveat. Check with the bride first to make sure she and/or her bridesmaids will not be wearing their checkered-flag miniskirts, too. In that case, something more casual, such as a T-shirt-and-shorts ensemble featuring your favorite driver's number and color scheme, is perfectly acceptable."

For the rest of the article, click here.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

We live in such a weird state...I really don't get it.